Apex Legends Season 7 gameplay trailer reveals new map Olympus and vehicles

Apex Legends season 7 is right around the corner, and the new Ascension gameplay trailer is finally here to give us a glimpse at the beautiful Olympus map and vehicular combat. There’s even footage showing off Horizon, the new legend, and her unique abilities.

You can check out the trailer for yourself below.

Apex Legends Season 7 – Ascension Gameplay Trailer

Olympus, the new map, appears to be a vibrant utopia of sorts, full of blue skies and putting green-like cul-de-sacs. It almost has a candy-store aesthetic, which is way different from previous maps—trading mountains and rolling hills for streets and long highways. Olympus is also supposedly much bigger than either Kings Canyon or World’s Edge, though details on how significant a size difference remains unknown.

There’s also the Trident, a three-passenger hovercar, Apex Legends first vehicle. What’s wild is some legend’s special abilities will mount on its hull. For example, Rampart’s minigun can attach to the Trident, and she can mow-down other combatants while the driver fishtails around. Think of the Warthog from Halo, only without wheels.

Perhaps most exciting of all is the sneak-peak at Horizon’s toolkit. She appears to have a gravity lift ability, allowing her and squadmates to get the high ground or hard to reach building tops. Her ultimate ability, on the other hand, nullifies aerial bombardments from legends like Gibraltar or Bangalore. Though this is just speculation, we won’t know for sure until Horizon is playable.

We also get a preview of clubs in this trailer, a new social feature for community building. They appear to be Apex Legend’s take on clans or guilds where you can create a logo, club tag, and recruit like-minded players for matches.

Of course, there’s also a new battle pass coming in season 7 full of new cosmetics like voice lines, pre-match character portraits, and skins for characters and weapons. So if you play a lot, it might not be a bad idea to pick that up when the patch drops.

Apex Legends Season 7: Ascension will come to PS4, Xbox One, Origin, and for the first time Steam on November 4th.

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  • Apex Legends
  • Respawn Entertainment

Kyle Campbell is a contributing news writer at TheGamer. Some of is bylines include IGN, PC Gamer, VG247, Fanbyte, and Blood Disgusting. You can find him on Twitter @levit0 where he’s likely gushing about Twin Peaks.

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