DNF Duel: Every Character’s Command List

While valid for most fighting games, DNF Duel focuses significantly on decision-making and execution, forcing you to learn what each character is capable of and how to approach each match-up. One wrong move could place you in an extraordinarily long and devastating combo, making you instantly regret your greediness and aggressiveness.

However, all sixteen characters in DNF Duel are vastly different than one another, offering tons of gameplay variety that can make each round feel unique and exhilarating. Learning what your favorite character is capable of will only get you so far, as you will also need a basic understanding of what everyone else can do to emerge from the chaos as the victor.

Choose Your Fighter!

Universal Attacks And Input Legend

Before diving into each character's Command List in DNF Duel, we must first take care of a few things. Since DNF Duel is a 2D Fighter, it uses the traditional Numpad Notation you may be familiar with from other fighters of the same genre. However, DNF Duel also has unique systems that everyone can access, whether the Guard Cancel, Conversion, Roll action, or something else entirely. To make each Character's Command list focus on their unique moves, we compiled a list of every Universal Command into the tables below!

Universal Button Legend

Command Name Command Display
Standard A A
Standard B B
Skill S
Mana Skill MS
Awakening Skill AS
Conversion B+S
Guard G/⭠/⭩
Guard Cancel ⭢+B+S
Roll ⭢+G
Throw ⭢ A+B or ⭠ A+B
Jump (j.) ⭦/⭡/⭧
Hold OK Input can be held for additional effects.
Air OK Input can be performed in mid-air, allowing you to execute the action while airborne.
OTG Refers to Off/On The Ground, signifying that the action can continue the combo even after your opponent hits the ground.

Universal Input Notations

Command Name Command Display
Down Back 1/⭩
Down 2/⭣
Down Forward 3/⭨
Back 4/⭠
Neutral 5
Forward 6/⭢
Up Back 7/⭦
Up 8/⭡
Up Forward 9/⭧
Quarter Circle Forward 236/⭣⭨⭢
Quarter Circle Back 214/⭣⭩⭠
Half Circle Forward 41236/⭠⭩⭣⭨⭢
Half Circle Back 63214/⭢⭨⭣⭩⭠
Dragon Punch (AKA: Uppercut or Shoryuken) 623/⭢⭣⭨

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Berserker Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Ghost Slash A broad slashing attack that's an excellent anti-air and combo ender.

Typically chained into 4S to end a combo.

Upward Slash Another anti-air option for Berserker, except with a much taller hitbox than Ghost Slash.

While an anti-air, Upward Slash also launches grounded opponents, making it a common combo extender.

Gore Cross Berserker creates a blood shield in front of himself.

Typically used near a knocked-down opponent to bait a wake-up super or dragon punch. Also super effective against slow-moving projectiles.

Gore Cross: Expulsion Berserker launches his blood shield forward, across the screen, as a projectile. 6S>S
Mountainous Wheel Berserker leaps into the air and slams his greatsword on the ground, dealing tremendous damage.

Hitting an enemy with this action will place them in a hard knockdown state. Depending on the opponent's height, you can combo into Blood Sword. Mountainous Wheel is also an OTG.

Blood Smash When in mid-air, Berserker swings his greatsword in a broad area in front of himself.

Decent for overheads, but ultimately used for aerial counters.

Ashe Fork When in mid-air, Berserker performs a dive kick that sends him to the ground at an aggressive angle with great speed and force.

Can extend some combos and helps evade a small number of anti-air attacks.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Frenzy Berserker enters a Frenzied state, increasing his overall performance. His greatsword normal attacks deal significantly more damage and gain an additional hit. His Mana Skills also gain advanced properties, and his sprint speed increases.

Frenzy will slowly drain Berserker's health, replacing it with white health, giving him the option to Convert it for longer combos and higher damage output.

30 MP 5MS
Blood Twister

Only when under the effects of Frenzy.

Berserker creates a blood vortex that pulls his opponent towards him from almost full screen.

Blood Twister is an excellent action to extend combos or keep pressure applied as it affects both standing and crouched enemies, whether they're blocking or not. Hitting your opponent with Blood Twister also causes them to wall bounce, allowing you to launch into a combo.

80 MP 5MS
Raging Fury An excellent anti-air MS that grants Berserker invincibility, allowing him to use it to stuff airborne attacks or on wake-up.

Raging Fury is also an OTG but doesn't combo and will almost always reset you to the neutral position.

70 MP 2MS


Blood Sword After a devastating slash with his greatsword, Berserker creates a projectile of blood that explodes, pushing himself backward with force.

Blood Sword isn't used much outside of corner combos or without utilizing the game's Conversion system.

50 MP 6MS


Blood Lust A command grab that completely replenishes Berserker's white health, making it an excellent action when Fury is active.

Typically used after performing a move with a hard knockdown effect or when your opponent is trapped in a corner via your Gore Cross.

50 MP 4MS


Outrage Break Berserker slams his greatsword on the ground with tremendous force, causing an explosion of blood on both sides of himself.

Typically only used alongside Conversion, but Outrage Break is an OTG, making it useful for ending some combos.

50 MP j.MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Blood Riven Berserker transforms into the Blood Majin before launching into a devastating Super Attack.

Blood Riven has an incredibly short range and should only be exected during combos.

Thirst Twenty percent of all damage dealt by Berserker gets restored as HP. Passive

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Crusader Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Hammer of Repentance Crusader swings his enormous hammer towards the ground over his head with great force. This action covers nearly the entire screen, making it his go-to for zoning or poking. Hammer of Repentance is also OTG and works as an anti-air.

Hammer of Repentance can also be used mid-air, but you won't use it often as it is much slower and leaves you open to counterattacks.



Sacred Upper Sacred Upper is one of Crusader's primary combo actions and works as an excellent anti-air as he swings the hammer upward from the ground.

Sacred Upper is an OTG and can chain into itself if you are at the proper distance from your enemy.

Flash Sphere Crusader sends a slow-moving orb of light across the stage, allowing him to control the area in front of him.

If Flash Sphere travels a certain distance, it becomes plus on block, giving you the advantage. You can also pair Flash Sphere with DNF Duel's Conversion mechanic to set up combos.

Saint Counter A parry/counter that will send enemies across the stage if successfully implemented.

Saint Counter can chain into Hammer of Repentance. Additionally, Saint Counter will not work on projectiles, low attacks, or grabs.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Miracle Splitter Crusader delivers a devastating upward hammer swing after charging roughly a little over half screen.

Miracle Splitter is excellent for closing in on your opponent as you are invincible to projectiles during the beginning of the charging phase of the attack.

60 MP 5MS
Haptism A remarkable reversal that grants Crusader three hits of Super Armor. If Haptism hits enemies, they will get launched across the screen.

Haptism is excellent for challenging opponents on wake-up and as a reliable anti-air against opponents who constantly jump in. However, a well-timed jump or throw will avoid/disrupt this attack, so use it wisely.

70 MP 2MS


Deflection Wall Crusader erects a wall underneath his opponent, forcing them into his suffocating pressure.

This is Crusader's bread and butter, allowing him to set up combos, juggles, and blockstrings and keep applying his unrelenting pressure on his opponent.

50 MP 6MS


Grace of Lemidios Crusader buffs himself temporarily, granting himself one hit of Super Armor and two additional Mana Skills (Strike of Repentance and Apocalypse).

Grace of Lemidios also provides automatic follow-up attacks to his standard 2B and 5B actions and Spear of Victory, having hit strike them with lightning for a free second hit, allowing him to combo much more freely.

90 MP 4MS


Strike of Repentance

Only during the Grace of Lemidios

An earthshattering overhead hammer slam that inflicts his opponent with the Shock effect if hit. Shock makes it so his opponent cannot jump, limiting their movement temporarily.

Using Strike of Repentance will remove the buff Grave of Lemidios. Strike of Repentance is also an OTG.

50 MP 4MS



Only during the Grace of Lemidios

Crusader cures himself of any ailment by sending a large orb of light high into the air. However, after a while, the orb will turn dark purple before firing off several lasers that cover a broad area on the ground and hit multiple times before exploding.

Using Apocalypse will remove the buff Grave of Lemidios. Apocalypse is also OTG and one of the best combo-moves at Crusader's disposal. However, it will disappear if Crusader gets hit when the orb is still light.

90 MP j.4MS


Spear of Victory Crusader hurls a spear of light at the ground with brutal force and speed, leading to wacky combos if you cancel into it from the jumping version of Hammer of Repentance (j.S).

Spear of Victory will explode when under the effects of Grace of Lemidios, enabling even more combo potential.

30 MP j.MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Ascencion Crusader swings his hammer down into the ground with unmatched strength, creating an enormous shockwave that scales high vertically.

This Awakening Skill is best used when weaving it into combos where you're juggling opponents in the air.

Merciful Strength Incoming damage, along with chip damage, is reduced by ten percent. The recovery speed of white health is also increased by three hundred percent. Passive

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Dragon Knight Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Lethal Punto Dragon Knight lunges her lance forward with significant force, allowing her to use this action as a safe poke and to by time during blockstrings. Lethal Punto can chain directly into Sky Break and Finish!

Holding the input down will charge Lethal Punto, giving it different properties. This will give the action more range and damage but will also make your target wall bounce, allowing you to follow up with additional attacks for combos.

5S (Hold OK)
Shield Uppercut Dragon Knight's go-to combo setup and her standard launcher.

Shield Uppercut typically gets canceled into from her 5B and is immediately followed up with either Finish! or one of Astra's Mana Skills (depending on your positioning). Shield Uppercut will cancel into every Mana Skill, Finish!, and Sky Break!

Sky Break Sky Break is Dragon Knight's primary option for anti-air, as it launches her at a sharp angle with tremendous force and momentum.

Sky Break will have Dragon Knight recover while still airborne, allowing her to go directly into Knuckle Blaster, Dragon Wing, or an overhead to mix up her opponent.

Finish! Dragon Knight flips into the air and immediately slams down with great force.

Finish! is typically performed after Shield Uppercut and allows Dragon Knight to cancel into any of her Mana Skills after its second hit. Furthermore, she can also cancel into Dragon Wing after the first hit if she needs to for a specific combo route.

Knuckle Blaster Dragon Knight hurls a fireball at the ground from the sky at an extreme angle, making this one of her best options to control space.

Hitting an opponent with Knuckle Blaster will allow Dragon Knight to use Dragon Wing + Dash Forward to meet them in the air and continue her attack string/pressure.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Summon Astra Astra flies at the enemy before letting out a shockwave.

This is useful in some corner combos but is best used to bait your enemy's attack to check them with Dragon Warrior Princess. Due to Astra retreating to Dragon Knight when hit, most players will make it their priority to hit them, which is why the base Summon Astra should be used as a test.

50 MP 5MS
Dragon Force

Only during Summon Astra

Astra will fire off three controlled fireballs in a straight line, allowing you to set up advanced corner combos and pressure. 20 MP A
Dragon Breath

Only during Summon Astra

Astra will fire off one enormous fireball that travels the entire length of the stage in the shape of a dragon and moves much slower than the other one.

This allows you to set up combos from mid-screen or use it as a way to catch opponents off guard as Astra stays up even if Dragon Knight gets hit.

30 MP B
Dragon Fang

Only during Summon Astra

Astra negates all damage as they rapidly spin in circles, hitting the enemy for large damage each time.

Dragon Fang is typically seen in corner combos that use the charged version of Lethal Punto.

40 MP S
Dragon Smash Dragon Knight delivers an uppercut while being immune to most damage on startup, making for an excellent anti-air or way to stop opponents who are becoming overly predictable.

Dragon Smash is almost always canceled into after using Biting Dragon. Additionally, Dragon Smash has an incredibly long recovery time, so whiffing will open you up considerably.

60 MP 2MS


Dragon Warrior Princess A counter poke with tremendous range that will help you compete against opponents who outrange you quite convincingly.

Can be used to counterhit opponents who go after Astra when you use Summon Astra.

40 MP 6MS


Biting Dragon Biting Dragon is Dragon Knight's hitgrab/launcher that gets canceled into perfectly after using Finish! or Lethal Punto.

Due to Biting Dragon playing a long-ish animation on execution, Dragon Knight will start regenerating MP during this time, allowing you to follow up with Dragon Smash almost every time.

50 MP 4MS


Dragon Wing

Boost Forward

Boost Backward

Dragon Wing allows Dragon Knight to temporarily take flight, suspending her mid-air for a short period. When in flight, your MP will gradually start draining.

With Dragon Wing active, you can boost forward with great speed, traveling just about half a screen forward. This allows you to continue air combos or land overhead attacks.

Boosting backward is an excellent way to create some distance between you and your opponent, allowing you to get out of dodge in sticky situations. This action will send you backward around one-fourth of the screen's length.

30 MP

15 MP

15 MP


j.MS > 5MS

j.MS > 4MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Dragon Sortie A long-reaching Super Ability, allowing Dragon Knight to weave it into most of her combos.

While we don't recommend it all the time, you can toss this Awakening Skill out against enemies who constantly press buttons from a distance and catch them mid-attack. But we strongly urge you to try to tie it into one of her many attack strings.

Dragon Force Increases your Mana Recovery Rate by double both passively and on hit. Passive

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Enchantress Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Rose Vines Enchantress launches a slow-moving projectile across the ground that travels full screen.

Rose Vines is an excellent way to apply pressure from range, control space, and even set combos up.

Madd, it's Time to Dance! Madd and Enchantress perform a broad swiping attack that can combo into other Special Moves or Mana Skills.

If you separate Madd from Enchantress via Showtime! or dashing, you can have Madd hit the opponent independently, allowing you to position yourself for more follow-up attacks.

Lantern Firebomb Enchantress hurls a dark purple firebomb across the stage, allowing her to control the mid-screen.

If this move's input is held, you can charge the Lantern Firebomb to Level two or three. Each level provides more damage and makes the bomb bigger, covering a broader area of effect.

6S (Hold OK)
Destiny Puppet Enchantress sends out a tiny puppet that runs along the ground, across the entire screen.

If the Destiny Puppet hits your target, it will grab them and explode, launching them into the air, allowing you to combo. The best way to use this action is to send the Destiny Puppet out, run behind it, then react to how your opponent decides to handle the situation. This provides excellent mix-up potential.

Aerial Lantern Firebomb When in mid-air, Enchantress with toss out a dark purple firebomb towards the ground at an angle, allowing her to control space.

Like the ground-based Lantern Firebomb, this version can also be charged up two additional levels by holding in the input. This will increase the move's overall damage and its area of effect.

j.S (Hold OK)

MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Showtime! Enchantress brings her puppet, Madd, to her side, allowing you to control it with forward and back movements.

Activating Showtime! will change Enchantress' Mana Skills to accommodate for Madd.

Rapidly Depletes 5MS (Air OK)
And, Scene!

Only during Showtime!

Cancels Showtime!, sending Madd back to its default position. N/A 5MS (Air OK)
Madd the Guard

Only during Showtime!

Madd performs a devastating slash that starts from the top of the screen and finishes at the bottom, covering a broad area in front of itself.

Madd the Guard essentially replaces Enchantress' invincible reversal. However, this attack lacks invincibility on startup and is primarily used as an anti-air or to continue combos.

40 MP 2MS


Madd Mad Slash

Only during Showtime!

Madd swipes its sharp claws horizontally, dealing devastating amounts of damage.

Due to Madd's placement in front of Enchantress, this action is pretty good for poking and applying pressure. It can also extend combos.

20 MP 6MS


Curse of the Terror Bear

Only during Showtime!

Madd fires a dark purple fireball from its mouth that travels fullscreen, making for an excellent zoning option that allows you to control space or force enemies into an uncomfortable position. 80 MP 4MS


Terrible Roar This is Enchantress's invincible reversal, which is an excellent anti-air and can stop overly aggressive opponents who always press buttons on wake-up.

Like most reversals in DNF Duel, Terrible Roar has a long recovery, making it highly punishable on whiff, so don't use it haphazardly.

70 MP 2MS


Harvest Enchantress swiftly snaps her whip across the length of the stage, stealing Mana from her opponent on a successful hit.

The whip can hit the opponent up to nine times. The first eight hits will steal four MP per hit (up to 32 total MP stolen), with the final hit stealing eight MP (totaling 40 MP stolen if every hit lands).

60 MP 6MS


Keep Away! This is Enchantress' Command Grab that temporarily turns her opponent into a doll.

When in doll form, her opponent can only jump and perform basic attacks and jump, severely limiting their options and movement.

80 MP 4MS


Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Forest of Dolls Enchantress has a very short-reaching Awakening Skill, meaning she will almost always have to weave it into her combos. AS
Favoritism The passive MP consumption of Enchantress' Showtime! skill is lowered by two-thirds. Passive

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Ghostblade Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Ultimate Phantom Slash Ghostblade violently slashes his katana in a wide area around himself several times, hitting his opponent multiple times.

The final slash of Ultimate Phantom Slash will launch the opponent, allowing Ghostblade to chain into Soul Strike. However, during any of the other slashes, Ghostblade can cancel into any of his Mana Skills or any Special Move that isn't Spectral Eradication.

Spectral Eradication Ghostblade unleashes a far-reaching, horizontal slash with his katana, which is an excellent neutral ability.

If Spectral Eradication connects as a counterattack, it will cause the opponent to crumple, allowing you to dash in for a full combo.

Drive Slash Ghostblade dashes forward and delivers a devastating slash with his katana that hits on both sides of his opponent, acting as a free cross-up.

The second slash of this action allows you to continue the attack string and typically will not get canceled into anything other than the third slash.

The third slash will finish Drive Slash's attack string and is almost always followed up with Ghostblade's Awakening Skill, Phantasmal Slayer, whenever available.




Soul Strike Ghostblade swings his katana downward with a mighty slash, allowing him to set up combos and use it as an anti-air with proper timing.

Hitting airborne enemies (via launch/jump) will allow you to combo into Ghost: Sky Slash. However, you can always use Ghost: Phantom Wind as a guaranteed follow-up because it is an OTG Mana Skill.

Cross Slash When airborne, Ghostblade will perform a downward slash with his katana, halting his movement temporarily.

Cross Slash is often paired with Ghost: Phantom Wind to extend combos but can also get canceled into any of his other Mana Skills.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Ghost: Single Strike Ghostblade projects his ghost across the stage as a projectile, making for an excellent neutral attack.

Ghost: Single Strike allows you to go directly into Dyad: Soul Cross, but it can also cancel into Ghost Retracer for a ground-based combo.

50 MP 5MS
Dyad: Soul Cross

Only available after using Ghost – Single Strike

Ghostblade uses his swiftness to make his way over to his ghost, having them both unleash on their target whenever he arrives. 30 MP 5MS > 5MS
Ghost Retracer Ghostblade teleports forward either a set distance or in the place of his projected ghost from another Mana Skill.

Being able to teleport to your ghost allows you to chain together several Mana Skills to extend or start combos.

40 MP 2MS


Ghost: Sky Slash Ghostblade projects his ghost into the air at a slight angle.

If your ghost hits your opponent on its way up, you can quickly toss them and have your ghost hit them once more on the way back.

50 MP 6MS


Ghost: Phantom Wind Ghostblade projects his ghost forward, having them take three controlled and devastating slashes.

Ghost: Phantom Wind can OTG, which will launch your opponent on hit, allowing you to continue the combo.

80 MP 4MS


Ghost: Targeted Hit Ghostblade will project his ghost in the air when airborne, having it follow up with a plunging slash.

Ghost: Targeted Hit can OTG as well, allowing you to extend combos.

50 MP j.MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Phantasmal Slayer Ghostblade's Awakening Skill is far-reaching and has a tall hitbox. This allows him to weave it into most combos, but it's typically used after the third slash of Drive Slash's attack string. AS
Phantasmal Binity Your damage output is increased by ten percent. Passive

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Grappler Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Low Fling A command grab that has Grappler launch his opponent into the air as a combo starter.

Holding the input will provide Grappler with three hits of Super Armor. However, this action will lose to low attacks and throws, making it one of his least-used actions.

5S (Hold OK)
High Kick Grappler lunges into the air at a slight angle with a devastating kick, making for an excellent anti-air and combo extender.

Additionally, you can hold in the input to gain three hits of Super Armor and lunge forward. The charged version will lose to low attacks and throws, however.

2S (Hold OK)
Neck Snap Grappler draws his opponent close, allowing him to follow up with several actions/combos.

Neck Snap is used primarily for pressure and frametrapping your opponent but can also be used to set up combos. The charged version of this attack allows Grappler to place his opponent into a blockstring or throws.

6S (Hold OK)
Air Steiner This is Grappler's anti-air hitgrab that is typically used to close combos with.

Charging this attack will bounce your opponent off the ground, allowing you to follow up with an OTG Action. Furthermore, Air Steiner will almost always be how you combo into your Awakened Skill, Quaking Tiger.

4S (Hold OK)
Slam Kick Grappler slams into the ground with a forceful kick when airborne, knocking his opponent down on contact.

The charged version of Slam Kick will bounce your target off the ground, leading to extended combos or the ability to use OTG actions.

j.S (Hold OK)

MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Magnumsault Grappler leaps into the air before crash landing with explosive force.

Magnumsault is Grappler's go-to OTG attack, with the charged version acting as a launch, allowing him to juggle his opponent after contact. Furthermore, pressing the forward motion will extend your leap.

40 MP 5MS (Hold OK)
Seismic Crash Seismic Crash acts as Grappler's Dragon Punch but is a relatively poor one.

While useful against opponents with tremendous poke potential, Seismic Crash will lose to throws and lows.

50 MP 2M (Hold OK)

623MS (Hold OK)

Shoulder Tackle Grappler rushes forward with a forceful, armored tackle, allowing him to take control of the stage. The standard Shoulder Tackle is also immune to projectiles.

Both versions of Shoulder Tackle will set your opponent in a soft knockdown state, but charging the action will cause a wall-bounce if it's a counterhit. Additionally, the charged version will grant Grappler three hits of Super Armor but will lose to low attacks and throws.

50 MP 6MS (Hold OK)

236MS (Hold OK)

Break Down Grappler's Mana Skill command grab that's much more useful than its Low Fling counterpart.

Break Down allows Grappler to grab airborne opponents in an active hitstun, letting him confirm into it and build into combos. The charged version will deal significantly more damage. Furthermore, the jumping version of this action will allow you to close out air confirms.

70 MP 4MS (Hold OK)

214MS (Hold OK)

j.MS (Hold OK)

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Sole Bearer: Quaking Tiger Grappler creates a small AoE vortex that sucks enemies in towards him, allowing him to weave this into most combos. AS
Iron Physique Received White Damage is reduced by eighty percent whenever you're guarding. Passive

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Hitman Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Surprise Cut Hitman plunges forward with his saber, taking several stabs, creating tremendous pressure on his opponent. 5S
Dead Lift Hitman delivers a horizontal and vertical slash with his saber, launching his opponent with the second slash.

Dead Lift can chain into Mighty Strike > micro-dash > Mighty Strike, allowing him to finish with the Final Strike Mana Skill.

Agile Maneuver Hitman lunges forward, attacking with both his SMG and saber.

Agile Maneuver is typically used to close the gap when executing combos or keep your opponent locked into a blockstring.

Mighty Strike Hitman swings his saber downward with tremendous force, making it one of his most valuable actions.

Mighty Strike can OTG and will cause the enemy to bounce off the ground before entering a hard knockdown state, which can swiftly be followed up with your Mana Skill Sweep. If the opponent was launched high enough, you could even slip another Mighty Strike at the tail-end of the attack string.

Dead Six When airborne, Hitman swings his saber in a crescent shape before doing the same with a spread of bullets from his Uzi.

Dead Six is almost always used for air-to-air hit confirms or as filler during combos.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Final Strike Hitman performs a broad slash with his saber, covering almost the entire screen, making it one of his best neutral attacks.

If Final Strike connects as a counterhit, your opponent will crumple, allowing him to follow up with a full combo.

50 MP 5MS
Bill Drill This is Hitman's invincible reversal. However, unlike most, Bill Drill has a terrible vertical hitbox, making its timing off to consistently use as an anti-air.

When in his Awakened State, Bill Drill benefits significantly from Battle Command, allowing Hitman to apply tons of pressure.

70 MP 2MS


Caracole Hitman throws his saber forward in a spinning motion, creating a small AoE, then fires rounds from his SMG into the AoE to cover an even broader range.

Caracole won't be used often, but it's an incredible action against enemies in the corner as it creates unavoidable pressure.

70 MP 6MS


Sweep Sweep is one of Hitman's fastest actions at his disposal, making it a reliable way to close out combos. 50 MP 4MS


Helix Dive When airborne, Hitman sprays a barrage of bullets towards the ground before performing a plunging slam attack with his saber.

Helix Dive can chain into an OTG Mighty Strike. If your opponent is in the corner, this can get followed up with 2B > Dead Lift.

50 MP j.MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Dusk Wings Hitman lunges forward with his energy-imbued saber, covering the length of the whole screen horizontally.

Dusk Wings is typically paired with Shattering Strike but can be used after landing an OTG Mighty Strike.

Battle Command Hitman can cancel into Shattering Strike after performing any Mana Skill with the input 5MS. Passive

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Inquisitor Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Punishing Cross Inquisitor swings her battleaxe in a broad motion, making for an incredibly safe poke and combo starter.

Punish Cross can easily cancel into Cut-in Dash, Flege's Essence, and any of her Mana Skills.

Rising Cut Inquisitor swings her battleaxe upward in a sweeping motion for one of the best anti-air options in the game.

If Rising Cut connects, she can cancel into Cut-in Dash, Flege's Essence, and any of her Mana Skills.

Cut-in Dash Inquisitor dashes forward, closing the gap with tremendous speed. Typically used to extend combos by allowing you to get back underneath them after specific hits.

Cut-in Dash will allow Inquisitor to follow up with Cut-in Bash. Additionally, if you are close enough to your opponent, Cut-in Dash will let you cross through your opponent.

Cut-in Bash

Only during Cut-in Dash

Inquisitor swings her battleaxe upward with great haste, making it an excellent counter poke or anti-air.

Landing Cut-in Bash will allow you to carry your opponent to the corner via jump canceling.

Flege's Essence Inquisitor tosses a vial of holy essence forward, inflicting her opponent with the Essence debuff for seven seconds if it connects.

Opponents inflicted with the Essence debuff will get launched significantly higher and further when hit by Inquisitor's Mana Skills.

Punishment Inquisitor performs a long-reaching sweep with her battleaxe for an excellent air-to-air ability when airborne. j.S
Raid Inquisitor dives to the ground with her battleaxe extended outward, causing a devastating shockwave on touchdown.

Raid's primary use is to extend aerial combos as it will bring her targets down to the ground, allowing her to follow up with Mana Skills.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Flege's Firebomb Inquisitor tosses out a firebomb that will ignite Flege's Essence.

If Fledge's Firebomb contacts an opponent under the effects of Essence, they will be launched. Furthermore, they will also be inflicted with Incinerate, which slowly burns them over time for ninety frames.

40 MP 5MS
Noble Rage This is Inquisitor's invincible reversal, making it helpful in punishing opponents who constantly hit buttons or as an anti-air.

Landing Noble Rage will launch your opponent, allowing you to mix in an OTG for a combo.

80 MP 2MS


Summary Justice Inquisitor imbues her greataxe in flame and performs a wide swing that starts from the ground and ends above her head, covering a broad range.

Opponents inflicted with the Essense debuff will get Incinerated via the flaming greataxe.

50 MP 6MS


Burning Wheel Inquisitor tosses out a ridiculously oversized flaming wheel that spins in place for an incredibly long time, allowing her to apply pressure and lock her opponent in place.

If your opponent has the Essence debuff and gets hit by Burning Wheel, they will be Incinerated.

90 MP 4MS


God's Wrath Inquisitor performs several broad swings with her greataxe while in mid-air, with the last swing imbued with fire. God's wrath is an excellent air-to-air attack and even thrives as an air-to-ground option.

If the last swing of God's Wrath hits an opponent inflicted with the Essence debuff, they will get Incinerated.

70 MP j.MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Blazing Hell Inquisitor swings her battleaxe out in front of her, covering a wide range horizontally. Typically used in combos. AS
Coldhearted Inquisitor Inquisitor begins recovering MP immediately after using a Mana Skill. Passive

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Kunoichi Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Flame Cut Kunoichi performs two swift slashes with her kunai knives, allowing her to extend combos or keep her opponent in a blockstring.

Flame Cut is typically canceled into Toad Oil Bomb if the enemy is close or will chain into Ninpo: Log Clone > jumping AB > Flying Squirrel.

Rising Cut Kunoichi performs a beefy, flaming uppercut with her kunai knife, filling the role of her anti-air. However, this action lacks invincibility on startup.

Rising Cut allows Kunoichi to recover in mid-air, which will enable her to do air attacks or double jump to set up aerial combos.

Kunai Throw Kunoichi controls the space in front of her by throwing three kunai knives ahead.

When airborne, Kunoichi will throw the kunai knives at the ground at varying angles, allowing her to cover a broad range and control space from above.



Ninpo: Log Clone Kunoichi substitutes her body with a log before teleporting to her opponent's location.

If she's close enough to her opponent, Kunoichi will teleport behind them. This also applies if the opponent as the Burning Stigma debuff applied to them. If the opponent is in the corner, Kunoichi will always teleport above them. Ninpo: Log Clone is almost always used to extend combos from Flame Cut.

Flying Squirrel While in the air, Kunoichi will hurl a firebomb at the ground at a steep angle, allowing her to close out most aerial combos.

Flying Squirrel is often used to increase the damage dealt to enemies caught inside Flame Tornado.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Burning Stigma Burning Stigma is a debuff effect that applies to opponents hit with any of Kunoichi's Mana Skills.

Once applied, Burning Stigma will explode after a few seconds, launching the opponent. This forces the opponent to either block or try to land a hit on Kunoichi to dispel the effect, giving you the advantage.

N/A Automatically applies to the enemy when landing Mana Skills.
Fire Art: Fireball

Nin-Bound Fire Art: Fireball

Kunoichi channels her inner chakra before unleashing a fireball Jutsu that acts as an incredible poke.

If the action is charged, the fireball extends much further, deals more damage, and even costs less MP. However, this version has a noticeably longer cast time.

40 MP

35 MP

5M (Hold OK)
Heavenly Fire Blast

Nin-Bound Heavenly Fire Blast

This is Kunoichi's invincible reversal, which has her leap into the air and toss three fireballs.

The charged version of this ability will have Kunoichi throw all three fireballs at once, covering a much wider area.

60 MP 2MS (Hold OK)

623MS (Hold OK)

Flame Tornado

Nin-Bound Flame Tornado

Kunoichi creates a large, flaming tornado and sends it forward about half screen, trapping anything it makes contact within its whirlwind of death. The uncharged version is also OTG.

The charged version is much larger vertically, deals more damage, and will travel the entire stage length. However, it also has a longer cast time.

90 MP 6MS (Hold OK)

236MS (Hold OK)

Toad Oil Bomb

Nin-Bound Toad Oil Bomb

Kunoichi summons in an enormous explosive toad that drops in from above her and spits out a giant fireball.

The charged version acts the same way, except Kunoichi instead summons the toad on top of her opponent.

70 MP 4MS (Hold OK)

214MS (Hold OK)

Flying Air Shuriken

Nin-Bound Flying Air Shuriken

An airborne Kunoichi halts her momentum mid-air before hurling six explosive kunai knives at the ground in a cone pattern.

The charged version of this ability has Kunoichi throw three sets of exploding kunai knives instead of one.

50 MP j.4MS (Hold OK)

j.214MS (Hold OK)

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Sword of Kusanagi Kunoichi's Awakening Skill that covers a decent range. While you can use it outside of a combo, it's best used in one to guarantee its hit. AS
Nin Boost MP cost of Nin-Bound moves is reduced by five. Nin-Bound moves also cast ten frames faster. Passive

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Launcher Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Steyr AMR Launcher whips out an entire RPG and sends a rocket across the screen.

If Steyr AMR hits, you can chain into any of Launcher's Mana Skills.

FM-31 Grenade Launcher Launcher nonchalantly pulls a grenade launcher out and lobs an explosive into the air at an angle, making for a pretty decent anti-air. 2S
Cannon Ball Launcher grabs an oversized handgun that shoots cannon balls and fires one off that travels across the stage with intense speed.

Cannon Ball is similar to the Steyr AMR but moves much faster across the screen and offers a taller hitbox.

Spriggan Launcher executes a baseball slide with perfect form that leads into a short cinematic that has her obliterate her opponent with a chaingun.

Launcher can chain this into her Awakening Skill, Ancient Trigger, and her Mana Skill, BBQ.

Laser Rifle Launcher halts herself in mid-air and pulls out her Laser Rifle, firing it at an angle at the ground.

This action is useful for controlling space or if you want to do lots of chip damage to your opponent but will rarely extend or set up combos.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Charged Laser Rifle Launcher returns with another Laser Rifle, except this time it's supercharged and fired on the ground.

Charged Laser Rifle fires in a straight, horizontal line and covers the length of the stage, making it useful for chip damage or to lock your opponent in place.

50 MP 5MS
BBQ This is Launcher's invincible reversal that instantly counters every attack that isn't a projectile.

BBQ's range is very short, but it will counter pretty much anything from Special Moves to grabs to standard attacks.

60 MP 2MS


X-1 Extruder Launcher brings out the big gun and shoots a towering fireball across the screen that deals excessive damage at hits multiple times.

X-1 Extruder is one of Launcher's best combo extenders and typically chains into Cannon Ball.

70 MP 6MS


FM-92 mk2 Lancer Launcher pulls out another one of her nifty rocket launchers and fires a missile at an angle into the air, which explodes into more missiles that rain onto the ground below.

The FM-92 mk2 Lancer is excellent for temporarily controlling the space in front of you or locking your opponent down.

50 MP 4MS


Quantum Bomb Launcher marks a spot on the ground from mid-air, followed shortly by a Quantum Bomb dropping on said spot.

Even if guarded by the opponent, the Quantum Bomb will deal tons of chip damage, making this an excellent ability to control space with and force your opponent to respect their spacing and options.

90 MP j.MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Ancient Trigger Launcher's Awakening Skill doesn't have exceptional range, but it does hit OTG, making it an excellent finisher to most of her combos. AS
Overheat Launcher inflicts double the white damage on her opponent if she hits them while guarding. Passive

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Lost Warrior Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Mysterious Slash Lost Warrior teleports forward and delivers a devastating slash with his straight sword.

At specific distances, Mysterious Slash will automatically cross up the opponent. This action will cancel into Vanish and Phase Shift.

Resolute Cut Lost Warrior swings his straight sword in an arc above his head for an excellent anti-air. 2S
Phase Shift Lost Warrior lobs a fullscreen projectile at his opponent. If it connects, he will perform a hitgrab and swap places with the opponent.

Phase Shift will never connect with airborne opponents. This action also chains into his Mana Skills Vanish Cutter and Vanish Strike.

Vanish Lost Warrior teleports high into the air, enabling him to cast any of his aerial moves as he makes his descent. 4S
Mysterious Sphere Lost Warrior halts his movement in mid-air and launches two projectiles at different angles towards the ground, allowing him to control space.

Mysterious Sphere has Lost Warrior recover while still in the air, allowing him to perform any of his aerial moves before he hits the ground.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Time Stop Time Stop is the culmination of gathering five stacks of Engraved Time, stopping all time around Lost Warrior, allowing him to get in several uncontested hits.

Stacks of Engraved Time are obtained by successfully landing Mana Skill attacks.

N/A Activates after stacking Engraved Time five times.
Vanish Cutter Lost Warrior teleports forward with a devastating slash from his straight sword.

Vanish Cutter can also hit OTG, allowing Lost Warrior to follow up with Dominate or Phase Shift.

50 MP 5MS
Absolute Guard This is Lost Warriors counter. It lacks invincibility frames on startup and also loses to projectiles and throws, making it hard to recommend using frequently. 50 MP 2MS


Mysterious Pierce Lost Warrior summons three greatswords from portals around the enemy as projectiles that can hit the enemy several times.

Mysterious Pierce can be used to extend combos or end them. Furthermore, this action can hit OTG, allowing you to continue applying pressure.

60 MP 6MS


Vanish Strike Lost Warrior teleports above his target before delivering a devastating attack that bounces them off the ground on hit.

Vanish Strike can also hit as an OTG, giving you access to different combo routes.

70 MP 4MS


Dominate Lost Warrior summons a portal in mid-air that will send their opponent in a hard knockdown state on hit, allowing him to follow up with OTG attacks. 70 MP j.MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Transcendence Impact A decently ranged Awakening Skill that allows Lost Warrior to weave it into almost all of his combos. AS
Logic of the Dimensions Extends the duration of Time Stop and temporarily freezes your opponent in place whenever you inflict them with the Engraved Time effect. Passive

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Ranger Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Mach Kick Ranger performs a high-kick that has a substantial hitbox.

Landing a hit with Mach Kick will allow Ranger to cancel directly into Windmill, Triple Tap, Suppressive Barrage, Wild Shot, or Death Hawk.

Steep Slide Ranger slides forward with a low profile, traveling roughly half screen.

If you hit an opponent with Steep Slide, you can cancel directly into Windmill, Triple Tap, Suppressive Barrage, Wild Shot, or Death Hawk.

Windmill Ranger spins like a top with his legs high in the air, landing devasting kicks in the process.

Windmill will allow Ranger to use the move Air Raid but can also cancel into Suppressive Barrage, Wild Shot, or Death Hawk.

Air Raid

Only during Windmill

Air Raid is one of Ranger's best actions and has him perform a kick that launches him into the air at an angle.

Air Raid can loop into itself during an attack string two to three times, will launch your opponent on contact, and allows Ranger to recover in the air to perform devasting combos.

Triple Tap Ranger unholsters his revolver and fires several shots at an angle at the ground, allowing him to keep his opponent in a blockstring or extend combos.

Triple Tap can also hit OTG, allowing for even more combo potential. Furthermore, this move can cancel into Suppressive Barrage, Wild Shot, Deadly Approach, or Death Hawk.

G-14 Buster Ranger tosses a grenade onto the ground from in the air, having it bounce a few times before stopping. After a short delay, the grenade will explode.

If the explosion of the G-14 Bust hits, it will launch the opponent, allowing you to follow up. This is one of Ranger's strongest abilities at his disposal, as it will enable him to control space, lock his opponent down, and potentially get a full combo.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Suppressive Barrage

Double Barrage

Triple Barrage

Ranger unholsters his dual revolvers and fires several shots forward, covering a broad range.

If you hit the enemy, or even when blocked, you can opt to perform follow-up Barrages, which will cost additional MP.

40 MP

30 MP

15 MP

Wild Shot This is Ranger's invincible reversal, granting him invincibility on startup before he rapidly fires his revolvers while spinning.

Wild Shot always launches your opponent on hit, allowing you to follow up with additional attacks.

60 MP 2MS


Deadly Approach Ranger jumps nearly fullscreen before firing off four shots from his revolver.

While Deadly Approach will cause your opponent to crumple to the ground on hit, it's primarily used as a way to escape corner pressure or create distance in general.

60 MP 6MS


Death Hawk Ranger unholsters his dual revolvers and tosses them ahead, making them twirl in place while rapidly firing.

This is an excellent action to keep pressure applied and control the space ahead of you, but it's not valuable for most combos.

70 MP 4MS


Scud Genocide

Double Scud Genocide

Triple Scud Genocide

Ranger descends to the ground head first, vertically, and fires both of his revolvers on his way down.

This action can be further extended twice by pressing the MS button, which costs more MP each time. This can also hit OTG, allowing you to extend combos.

30 MP

20 MP

10 MP


Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Seventh Flow Ranger fires off shots from his revolvers across the screen, covering a wide area. While typically used in combos for a guaranteed hit, its range allows you to try challenging opponents who constantly press buttons. AS
Sudden Death Hitting an opponent with any attack will inflict the Revenge debuff effect onto them. Revenge reduces your opponent's damage by twenty-five percent, makes them take one-third more damage, and reduces their passive MP recovery time by a third. This debuff lasts for seven seconds. Passive

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Striker Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Tiger Chain Strike

Tiger Chain Bash

Tiger Chain Strike has Striker move forward with a powerful shoulder strike, allowing her to cancel into many actions. However, canceling into Crushing Fist is the most popular follow-up for combos.

Pressing S again after using Tiger Chain Strike will have Striker launch directly into Tiger Chain Bash, a two-hit attack string that can cancel into many actions to create or extend combos.



Muse's Uppercut A standing uppercut that has a vast vertical hitbox.

Muse's Uppercut allows Striker to transition into aerial combos, typically chaining into Air Walk.

Crushing Fist Another powerful punch at Striker's disposal that allows her to cover space and cancel into her One Inch Punch Mana Skill on counter.

Crushing Fist can also cancel into her standard 5A, 2A, 5B, and 2B and her Special Moves and MP Special Moves: Tiger Chain Strikes, Muse's Uppercut, Low Kick, Shadowless Kick, Rising Fist, Mountain Pusher.

Low Kick Striker throws out a low kick that can extend combos and blockstrings.

Low Kick can also hit OTG and cancel into several of her attacks, making it an incredible tool for keeping attack strings ongoing.

Air Walk Striker hurtles towards the ground with a forceful divekick, allowing her to play with high/low mix-ups throughout the match.

Air Walk can hit as an OTG and will extend combos as a result. This is one of Striker's most substantial moves as it offers her lots of potential.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Shadowless Kick Striker kicks three times, with the first hit registering as low and the others mid.

Due to Shadowless Kick being Striker's fastest Mana Skill, it's used frequently to extend combos, frametrap her opponents, and keep unrelenting pressure up.

30 MP 5MS
Rising Fist This is Striker's invincible reversal, which is used as an anti-air and to challenge opponents who always press buttons. 50 MP 2MS


Mountain Pusher Striker performs a shoulder check that has substantial reach.

Mountain Pusher makes Striker invulnerable to projectiles during its animation and will wall bounce opponents on a counterhit, allowing you to follow up with a combo.

50 MP 6MS


One Inch Punch One Inch Punch is your traditional combo ender but can extend or start combos depending on the situation. 50 MP 4MS


Tornado Kick Striker spins through the air with three devastating spin kicks, allowing her to control the space around her and regroup safely afterward. 30 MP j.MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Empress's Climactic Fist An AoE Awakening Skill that should always be converted from a combo or Mana Skill due to its small range. AS
Power Fist Raises the minimum damage dealt by every attack and increases your overall damage output by ten percent. Passive

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Swift Master Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Wind Blaster

Aerial Wind Blaster

Swift Master controls the wind into a concentrated blast in front of himself, launching his opponent on hit, allowing him to follow up with additional attacks. 5S


Wind Upper Swift Master uses the wind to uppercut his opponent, launching them high into the air on hit.

Wind Upper is an excellent anti-air and will also cancel into any of Swift Master's Mana Skills.

Sweeping Wind Swift Master controls the wind, generates two tornadoes, and pushes them towards the middle of the stage.

The tornadoes can block weaker projectiles and keep opponents airborne when caught inside them.

Headwind Swift Master creates a vortex from the wind and sucks his opponent towards him.

Headwind can get canceled into any normal upon finish and will pull in opponents closer to Swift Master at a much faster speed.

Storm Strike Similar to Wind Blaster, but much more potent and with several other enhancements.

Storm Strike allows Swift Master to perform more extended combos and have near-endless range on an attack that wall bounces and hard knockdowns his opponent.


Hold and Release

MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Relentless Biting Wind Swift Master spins up a large tornado that launches his opponent into the air on hit.

Relentless Biting Wind negates all projectiles and can also hit OTG.

50 MP 5MS (Air OK)
Eye of the Storm This is Swift Master's invincible reversal, making it an excellent anti-air and a way to stuff opponents who predictably press buttons.

Eye of the Storm draws in nearby enemies and ends with Swift Master delivering a powerful strike.

70 MP 2MS (Air OK)

623MS (Air OK)

Wind Orb Swift Master places an orb of wind above and in front of himself, which will gradually pull his opponents towards them.

Wind Orb is a crucial part of Swift Master's playstyle, allowing him to extend combos, aerial juggles, and apply pressure.

50 MP 6MS (Air OK)

236MS (Air OK)

Storm Quaker

Only during Wind Orb

Swift Master changes the property of his Wind Orb into a tornado that deals tons of damage and juggles his opponent in place. 50 MP 6MS (Air OK)

236MS (Air OK)

Wind Twist Swift Master fashions four small tornados around himself for a limited time. During this time, he can hit his opponent with the tornados or use them to absorb projectiles to avoid damage. 70 MP 4MS (Air OK)

214 (Air OK)

Vortex Hurricane

Only during Wind Twist

Swift Master turns his remaining tornados from Wind Twist into towering tornadoes that multi-hit his target and launches them into the air, forcing them into a hard knockdown state when they land.

Vortex Hurricane is an excellent way to extend combos and can hit OTG.

50 MP 4MS (Air OK)

214 (Air OK)

Sonic Move

Only when airborne near Wind Orb

Pressing a directional button along with the throw command will (when airborne) have the Wind Orb hold your opponent in place, allowing you to follow up with whatever you feel like. N/A Any directional key + Throw Command (A+B)

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Stormy Eliminator Swift Master's Awakening Skill has an incredibly broad hitbox, allowing him to weave it into his combos or juggles effortlessly. AS
Wind Master The distance of your backdash is increased. Your walking speed, dashing speed, forward dash, and backdash are also increased by fifty percent. Passive

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Troubleshooter Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Sword Bomb Troubleshooter rigs his greatsword with explosives and lunges forward.

Sword Bomb can launch into Oppression, leading to extended combos.

Black Crescent Troubleshooter swings his greatsword starting from the ground and ending above his head in an arc motion.

Black Crescent is a decent anti-air but is commonly used as a way to cancel into G-Bomb.


Aerial G-Bomb

Troubleshooter lobs a grenade in front of himself, having it explode whenever makes contact with his opponent.

The aerial version of G-Bomb allows Troubleshooter to place his opponent in a hard knockdown state and even extend combos.

G-Bomb will deactivate if Troubleshooter is hit and can be used to detonate his Oppression Mana Skill prematurely.



Swashbuckler's Refreshment Troubleshooter takes a swig from his flask, turning 100 HP of his own into white health.

Gaining 100 HP of white health grants Troubleshooter a thirty percent damage boost and 10 MP. This also allows him to convert his attacks for longer combos.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Igniting Slash 1

Igniting Slash 2

Igniting Slash 3

Troubleshooter can perform up to three broad slashes with his greatsword for a total of 200 damage.

The first slash will place his opponent into a hard knockdown state, allowing Troubleshooter to follow up with an OTK. The second hit will bridge the first and third one with essentially no added benefits, and the third and final hit launches his opponent for excellent combo potential.

20 MP

20 MP

20 MP




Perfect Batting This is Troubleshooter's invincible reversal, which makes it an excellent anti-air and a way to stuff opponents who predictably press buttons.

Troubleshooter rigs his greatsword with explosives once more and swings it vigorously around himself.

70 MP 2MS


Get On Fire

Get On Fire (2nd)

Troubleshooter whips out his sawed-off double-barrel shotgun and fires two rapid shots forward.

If you follow up with the second portion of this attack, he will fire his shotgun once more, placing his opponent in a hard knockdown state on hit.

60 MP

20 MP

6MS or 236MS

6MS>MS or 236MS>MS

Oppression Troubleshooter jumps high in the air, fires his shotgun, then tosses a net rigged with mines onto the ground in front of him.

While the mine-net will explode on its own after a few seconds, Troubleshooter can blow it up early via 2A, G-Bomb, or performing the action again.

50 MP 4MS


Disastrous Quake Troubleshooter slams his greatsword downward with incredible force, causing an explosion that launches his target on hit.

Disastrous Quake can also hit OTG, making it crucial for extending combos.

30 MP j.MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Incredible Troubleshooter tosses out and detonates a mine, which has a hitbox in a small AoE. This Awakening Skill is often weaved into combos. AS
Handle Explosives Increases your White Damage output on blocked enemies and makes various Mana Skills launch opponents higher.

  • Get On Fire: Now wall bounces and sends opponents into a hard knockdown state.
  • Oppression: Launches your opponent much higher than before.
  • Igniting Slash 3: Now launches your opponent higher than previously possible.
  • Perfect Batting: Also launches your target significantly higher than before.

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Vanguard Command List

Special Moves

Special Move Description Input
Side Slash Vanguard swings his lance in a broad sweeping movement in front of himself, making for an excellent combo starter or counter poke.

Vanguard can chain all of his S actions into one another, so long as he has not used already used it in the current string.

Cleave: Upper Vanguard swings his lance upward, making it a practical anti-air attack.

Vanguard can chain all of his S actions into one another, so long as he has not used already used it in the current string.

Cleave: Cut Vanguard lunges forward with a strong slash from his lance, allowing him to follow up with additional attacks.

Vanguard can chain all of his S actions into one another, so long as he has not used already used it in the current string.

Cleave: Slash Vanguard swings his lance around with tremendous force, pulling himself backward, allowing him to make his opponent whiff some attacks.

Vanguard can chain all of his S actions into one another, so long as he has not used already used it in the current string.

Impact Strike Vanguard plunges towards the ground with his lance positioned out in front of him. Impact Strike can hit OTG and is used to extend combos.

Vanguard can chain all of his S actions into one another, so long as he has not used already used it in the current string.


MP Special Moves

MP Special Move Description MP Cost Input
Brandish Vanguard activates his Brandish Stance, giving him access to several new Mana Skills. 30 MP 5MS
Inferno Charge

Only during Brandish

Vanguard charges forward and deals several hits, placing himself next to his opponent.

Inferno Charge is excellent for applying pressure.

10 MP 5MS
Crescent Slash

Only during Brandish

Vanguard slams his lance into the ground from high above his head, placing his opponent in a hard knockdown state on hit. 20 MP 2MS
Dread Bore

Only during Brandish

Vanguard performs a powerful poke from extraordinarily far away, typically ending a combo. 30 MP 6MS

Only during Brandish

Vanguard grants himself three hits of armor, which helps him eat a few attacks and challenge mashed attacks from his opponent.

On counterhit, Behead will place your opponent in a crumpled state, allowing Vanguard to follow up with an OTG/combo.

20 MP 4MS
Lunge Strike This is Vanguard's invincible reversal but should not be used as one as it's much harder to use as an anti-air than Cleave: Upper or even his standard 5B. 70 MP 2MS


Earthshatter Vanguard slams his lance into the ground from high above his head, then performs a broad slash immediately after.

Earthshatter is a fast move, so it's often used to poke. This move is also an OTG, allowing you to end or extend combos.

40 MP 6MS


Devastate Vanguard spins his lance around with blinding speed before performing a wide slash.

Devastate can be used as an anti-air, but it's typically how you will end most corner combos.

50 MP 4MP


Doom Glaive Vanguard performs a rising slash with his lance while in mid-air before slamming into the ground with devastating force.

Doom Glaive will place your opponent into a hard knockdown state, allowing Vanguard to follow up with an OTG to extend combos.

50 MP j.MS

Awakening Skills

Awakening Skill Description Input
Demonic Inferno Vanguard slams his lance into the ground and launches into his Awakening Skill. Due to its short range, Demonic Inferno is typically canceled into during a combo. AS
Demonic Lance Mastery Raises your Guard Damage Dealt by fifty percent if enemies block your attacks. Passive

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