Nintendo Switch Pro release 2021 predictions as fans prepare for Nintendo Direct

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Some industry experts expect an updated Nintendo Switch Pro console to be announced and released by the video games giant in 2021.

Dr. Serkan Toto of Kantan Games has provided the strongest backing for a Nintendo Switch Pro release later this year, telling Games Industry:

“I predict a beefed-up 4K device is coming during Nintendo’s next financial year. And let it be said: “Switch” is just a word.

“Everybody expecting the Switch to run out of steam in 2021 is in for a bitter disappointment. The Switch will be the best-selling console this year as well, driven by more first-party games, a hardware refresh, and the device having developed into a lifestyle product for the mass market over the course of 2020.”

There have been rumours for years suggesting that an updated version of the Nintendo Switch would be released at some point.

A mid-life-cycle refresh for the Switch makes a lot of sense as its ageing hardware will find it harder to keep up with rivals.

Nintendo has consistently distanced themselves from an upgraded Switch console, but that doesn’t rule out such a thing happening in 2021.

Another analyst, Piers Harding-Rolls of Ampere Analysis, also backed the launch of a Switch Pro console in 2021, revealing:

“I expect Nintendo’s Switch family of devices to be the best-selling consoles again in 2021 following a very strong 2020.

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“Last year I was unconvinced there would be a new flagship model Switch in 2020, but it makes more commercial sense to release an updated version in 2021. I currently have an updated version of the Switch in my forecasts for 2021.”

While there is no guarantee of a big announcement being made this month by Nintendo, there are rumours something is being planned.

While there is some kind of leak that appears to be a laundry list of fan-favourite projects doing the rounds online, something else has been noticed by eagle-eyed gamers.

Fans have noted that the Nintendo Direct Archive site has been updated, an early indicator that a new event is going to be announced.

Nintendo has a good track record of holding big announcements in January and February, although that doesn’t guarantee something is happening.

All of this must be taken with a pinch of salt until Nintendo announces its plans for 2021, including whatever software, or hardware plans they have.

There’s been plenty of Nintendo Direct over the past two years but not many of them have focused on a wide range of titles.

Some have been specific to a franchise, such as Mario games and Pokemon DLC and content updates.

The most recent event listed on the Nintendo Direct website is for Super Nintendo World, which was focused on a Theme Park, rather than new games.

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