Red Dead Online: Best Places To Find And Farm Sheep

Sheep killing. Well, it’s not exactly my favourite pastime or anything like that, but I suppose everyone needs a unique hobby. In Red Dead Online sheep killing is much more than just a hobby, it can be a way of life. Or a means to an end when it comes to daily challenges and the like. Regardless of why you suddenly find yourself in the sheep killing business, whether it’s to harvest wool or meat, we can help you with that.

Sheep can be found across the world in Red Dead Online, but they’re not always easy to access or find. In this guide, we’re going to break down exactly how you can encounter and harvest sheep for your daily challenges, or whatever quest or task you’re attempting to complete today. Just read below for our full sheep farming instructions.

How To Harvest Sheep Without Alerting Anyone In Red Dead Online

Right, the first thing you want to be aware of is that running up to someone’s farm and shooting their penned-in sheep with a gun is going to be looked down upon. Shocking, I know, but apparently, there are rules about just randomly killing animals, especially when they belong to someone else.

As such, if you want to harvest some sheep in Red Dead Online, you should aim to do so quietly. Obviously, environments are less densely populated at night so there are fewer people to notice. Another obvious tip is that gunshots are pretty loud, and probably a bad way to handle stealth. Oh, and if you have a bandanna or face covering to disguise yourself from anyone that might witness your atrocities, that’s also very helpful.

So, you should cover your face up (a good general tip for life right now), maybe use a bow and arrow instead of a loud rifle, and try making your moves under the cover of darkness.

Emerald Ranch

This is a safe place to farm for sheep if you need to. The Emerald Ranch can be found far West of the Van Horn Trading Post, and has several animals you can find. If you follow our tips above and take this stealthily then you might be able to assassinate a few sheep and get away unseen.

Sheep here can be found to the South of the ranch, in a pen. Like stealing candy from a baby.


Another reliable place to find sheep is the Valentine Ranch. Again, head to the South side of the ranch and you should find sheep in a pen. No prizes for guessing what you should do next.

You can find the Valentine Ranch Northwest of Citadel Rock, and North of Caliban’s Seat. Have fun sneaking around and stealing sheep!

Next: Red Dead Online: How To Find Hamish Sinclair’s Location

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TheGamer Guides Editor. Opinionated about Nintendo.

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