Various Daylife: Beginner Tips

Quick Links

  • Choose Your Work Wisely
  • Maintain Your Stamina And Mood
  • Spend Time With Your Party Members
  • Talk With People For Tips
  • Understand The Facilities
  • Prepare For Expeditions And Learn The Combat System
  • Always Play It Safe

People love JRPGs and life simulators, and Various Daylife brings the best of each genre through this port of a mobile game. You can go around town, meet people, work, and go on expeditions. However, all the different functions, towns, and systems can quickly become overwhelming.

You must consider what you do to make the most out of the game and improve your character. As you plan your days and do what you can to improve yourself, you'll grow in levels, make money, and learn about your party members. Do what you can to learn what the game offers, so you can succeed in tackling all expeditions and progressing through the story.

Choose Your Work Wisely

The game emphasizes work. As you progress through each week, there'll be different job opportunities you can tackle. Each option offers you money, level experience, and stat experience. The level experience helps you to level up, boosting all your stats. However, you'll also gain stat experience that helps you boost the stats you care about.

As you look through different opportunities, you'll see how they impact your stats. While they offer mostly boosts, they can also lower some of your stats. For example, if you do Bear Control, you'll boost your Strength and HP experience but drop your Wisdom and Charisma experience. Make sure you focus on the stats that'll benefit your selected job. For example, if you want to be a Warrior, you should focus on Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity. To be a Scholar, you'll need to work on your Wisdom, MP, and Intelligence.

If you do more work for a specific class, you'll unlock more work for that class. For example, if you keep doing Server work, you'll gain more work opportunities, such as doing cashier work or taking care of the waitlist.

Maintain Your Stamina And Mood

Stamina and mood help you succeed while you work. Whenever you start a job, you'll see your Stamina and Mood on the screen with percentages. The percentages indicate the odds of an accident or injury happening. For example, if your Stamina drops, you could have an accident rate of five percent. The longer you go without addressing your Stamina or Mood, the failure odds increase.

Avoid failing work whenever possible. Doing so forces you to rest while dropping all your stat and level experience. Not only will you lose a day, but you'll lose tons of progress, so keep your failure rates in mind.

You can restore your Stamina and Mood by resting in your home. However, if you rest, you'll reset your experience bonus from chaining work. If you don't want to reset this bonus, you can improve your Mood or Stamina by spending time with your party members, visiting the Public Bath, and performing other activities. You'll see arrows on your Stamina and Mood whenever you do something. If they point to the right, the action restores your Stamina and Mood, while the left arrows mean the action decreases those stats.

Spend Time With Your Party Members

You'll come across party members in the town, so you should spend time with them. Doing so will improve your Affinity with them, sometimes restore your Stamina and Mood, and provide you stat experience. If you improve your Affinity, your party members will learn new skills you can utilize.

You can enjoy the same activities with your party members. For example, you can go with any of them to the tavern. Each option offers different stat bonuses, so pick whichever meets your needs and helps you improve the stats you want.

Talk With People For Tips

As you go through your day, you'll see shop owners and people in the town. In most RPGs, people will select Buy or Sell, but you should try the Talk option. Doing so will let you ask questions and learn about the different civilians. Talking with them will also boost a stat when you perform work, so talking with the right people can improve your ideal stats.

Before discussing a subject, you should check the bottom left corner of the screen. The game will tell you what stat it'll increase, so you can pick whichever stat you want to improve.

You'll enjoy those stat boosts for a few days, the number of which depends on the subject. Pay attention to it and take advantage of the stat boosts.

Understand The Facilities

The town has multiple facilities for you to visit. They usually cost money, but each offers benefits to help you during your time in the town. For example, the Public Bath will give you gossip, so you'll have more subjects to discuss with people in the town.

Facility Name What It Does
Guild Quests Go on expeditions to get money and continue the story.
Arms Shop Purchase weapons, armor, and accessories for you and your party members.
Item Shop Purchase items to help you during expeditions.
Market Purchase food for you to restore your max HP during expeditions.
Public Bath Take a bath to restore your Stamina and Mood. You can also hear gossip and gain HP and Charisma experience.
Restaurant Row Resist the restaurants to boost your MP and Constitution experience while dropping your Stamina and Mood. Enter the restaurant to restore your Stamina, Mood, and get experience for random stats.
Tavern Order something to increase stat experience and improve your Mood, but lower your Stamina.

Prepare For Expeditions And Learn The Combat System

Some expeditions may intimidate you if you don't know what to expect. Luckily, the game provides you with information to get you started. For example, it'll give you a recommended level for the expedition, so you don't go before you feel ready. You can also prepare for expeditions by purchasing food to eat while you rest, bringing restoration items, and choosing your party members. You should also purchase the most up-to-date equipment to help your party members succeed.

Combat randomly occurs as you travel through your expedition. Various Daylife follows a lot of traditional turn-based combat, such as taking turns and seeing who attacks next, but it does have some differences to consider. For example, you must utilize the Change, Chain, and Chance system to maximize your damage. Do your best to look into these systems, test them out, and learn how to take advantage of them.

Always Play It Safe

You may feel tempted to push through expeditions and see if you can succeed. However, such an approach can lead to severe consequences. You'll lose the days you traveled and have to recover in your bed if you fail.

Losing days means the calendar will continue, and you won't be able to use those days for work, expeditions, or anything else. Recovering means your character will have to rest for a full day. Their stat experience will also decrease during that time, so you'll lose progress.

The same applies to the work you do. If you injure yourself during a job, you'll lose experience on different stats. You can also end up having to recover and lose progress on all your stats if you fail a job. If you don't like the odds of a job, restore your Stamina and Mood. You can also retire during expeditions and battles to avoid losing your experience.

The game lets you have plenty of save files and lets you save at any time. You should save before a risky idea, so you can reload your file if you don't like the results. You can also save it on a separate file right before a boss fight to avoid any consequences if you end up losing.

Even though this game has some intimidating systems, you'll quickly learn them and succeed. Do your best to understand what the game throws at you, take your time, and enjoy the experience. As you go through it and enjoy what it offers, you'll naturally improve at the game and build your life in Erebia.

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