Ride Your Wave Is A Beautifully Tragic Depiction of Grief In Anime

Loss isn’t something you can predict. Even when you can, the emotional impact is often insurmountable. There’s no wrong way to deal with grief, whether you push past the empty void with happy smiles, sad tears, or general indifference to a huge shift in your life. I tend to find experiences I can relate to […]

Returnal is a relentless meditation on not giving up

I was losing faith in Returnal until I encountered the second boss. After a few dozen runs, the enchanting presentation and sense of discovery from my first few hours had started to wear off. I felt weak compared to the colossal creatures that defended their territory against an unwanted visitor. I had seen and used […]

Dragon Age 4: Who Is Sandal and Where The Heck Is He?!

Sandal is an odd dwarf first introduced in Dragon Age: Origins. Under the care of Bodan, a fellow dwarf that found Sandal in the Deep Roads, this mysterious character has been at the center of intrigue since his introduction. He also foretold the events in Dragon Age Inquisition during side dialogue heard in Dragon Age […]

This Raft Luge Is Valheim’s Most Impressive Track Yet

Valheim has seen a few great slides since its release back in February. There was the ice ramp that launched a boat all the way from the mountain to the ocean, and then there was this rollercoaster that guided an entire Viking longboat down the mountain like a demented amusement park ride. But neither of […]

A World of Warcraft fan is capturing the community’s love for armor

World of Warcraft heroes have been going to wild places in the game’s cosmos lately, like the realms of death, or a Lovecraft-style nightmare world. Some fans, however, wish that we could be going to these places in a little more style. Even though there are tons of raids and gameplay systems, some of the […]

The Nintendo Switch Is Now The Sixth Best Selling Console In Japan

It’s been a wild journey for the Nintendo Switch. Since releasing in March 2017, it managed to wash the bad taste of the Wii U out of everyone’s mouth, and innovate on the Wii’s game changing motion sensing gameplay. Equally however, it’s been messy. That dreaded joy-con drift just won’t go away, and Nintendo has […]