Bangalore and Caustic to receive the next two Apex Legends Heirlooms

There are no rarer items in Apex Legends than Heirlooms. A part of a set, these cosmetics are specially designed for a certain character in the game. The sets include a prized melee weapon, voice line, and banner pose. Of course, most players are more concerned with the melee weapon than anything else. The last legend to receive an Heirloom set was Mirage in Season 5. However, according to new leaks, Bangalore and Caustic are slated to receive the next Heirlooms in Season 6 of Apex Legends.

New leaks hint at new Heirlooms in Apex Legends

After the Season 6 update last night, dataminers got access to a new flurry of game files. Whenever Respawn Entertainment updates the game, the developers throw in all sorts of new content within the files. This helps them to implement the content easier whenever it’s time for release.

Well, along with other pieces of intel, miners were able to discover evidence for two new Heirlooms in Apex Legends. Miners @Biast12_ and @Shrugtal were the first ones to uncover the cosmetics.

— Biast12 (Tobias) (@Biast12) August 18, 2020

Starting with Bangalore, it seems fairly obvious that is getting the next Heirloom. She’s the next line of code on the list and there are more files relating to her Heirloom. According to Biast12, the Heirloom melee weapon will be a Tonfa, which can be seen below (as an example).

Essentially, a Tonfa is a police stick that is used for melee purposes. With Bangalore’s military background, this choice makes sense. It’s currently unclear when we could see Bangalore’s Tonfa come to Apex Legends.

In regards to Caustic, Shrugtal seems to believe the Heirloom will be released with a future Collection Event called “Aftermarket”. There’s no way to tell how far down the line this event is from arriving, however. From the looks of it, Caustic’s melee weapon in the set will be some kind of sledgehammer, but that’s all the information we have.

If Bangalore or Caustic’s Heirlooms do arrive in Season 6, fans should expect a few weeks of wait time as of the time of writing.

Make sure to stay tuned to Daily Esports for all Apex Legends news.

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