7 Animation Trends that Will Rule 2021

Advertising has perhaps the most crucial role in the fate of a new good or service. As a result, this industry is constantly evolving. It has reached a totally new stage of promoting and presenting products via animation. The method evades the constraints of live-action commercials and lets your imagination take flight.

Even the most conservative companies prefer animation adverts because of its advantages and distinctive opportunities. Like almost any field of activity, its trends keep changing and it may be tough to keep up with them. However, it is necessary if you want to improve your marketing strategy and lead your project to success. In the article you will highlight seven outstanding animation trends that will rule 2021.

1. Kinetic Typography

You have probably seen a lot of animated videos with moving text integrated in it. In fact, this technique is called motion or kinetic typography. This trend helps to grab audience attention and convey ideas with marvelous presentation text. Motion typography has a wide range of applications.

Lyric videos can’t live without the technology because it is the best choice to present an artist’s style and mood. Using kinetic typography will only whet the interest and give a better impression of the song to the listeners.

Motion typography is also an exceptionally helpful tool in information videos as it makes it easier to describe complex yet cognitive things in short clips. In addition, the more immersive the information presented the longer it stays in viewers’ memory.

Another field to take advantage of the technology is advertising. Lively text and bright graphic is a key to creating an eye-catching commercial that will outshine everyone with its magical beauty. Visit website if you want to build magnificent visual content that will take everyone’s breath.

2. Frame by frame animation

At the moment, the global animation market is worth around 270 billion U.S dollars, and is still rapidly growing. It owes its success to Walt Disney who was the first artist to create a cartoon which became a huge hit. As fashion tends to go back, animation trends also go back to basics. Classical Disney movies were made with hand drawn technique which is also known as frame by frame animation.

The concept of this painstaking technology is that you need to draw each frame separately and from scratch. To create a short video you may be required to use hundreds or even thousands frames. Even though creating such animations is time consuming, your hard work pays off. As a result you get an effective and lively video. If you wonder whether this technology is able to make a lasting impression on people’s hearts, do not hesitate!

3. Linear art

Overconsumption issue has led to the popularization of minimalism. The trend has not bypassed the industry of animation. Linear art is quite popular in explainer videos, however it is not the only field to use the technique.

Lines dictates a mood, defines direction and shape of an animated video. Minimalistic styles fascinate with its simplicity and elegance, and different lines only add to the aesthetics. Furthermore, such modest designs make viewers focus on the most important information without scattering their attention to unnecessary details.

Another reason why this trend has such a high impact on the audience is a handicraft feeling, created by lines, which suggests more businesslike style.

4. Restricted color palette

Since 2020, it is the most popular digital illustration trend. Although, at first glance it may seem like a plain technology, but as with linear art, the restricted color palette charms viewers with straightforward yet graceful design and also disables the audience from being distracted from the main message.

Moreover, the use of limited colors which are in a company’s or brand’s logo ensures that a viewer remembers it. Videos made with few amounts of primary colors instead of a rich color specter are visually more appealing and evokes a sense of retro and pleasant nostalgia.

5. Infographic video

An infographic animation video is a significantly important content format that you definitely need in 2021. Such videos have a greater impact on people as they rely on numbers, graphics, diagrams and statistical data.

There is a wide range of industries to benefit from the technology. Among them are Sociology, Marketing, Tourism, Environmental science, Healthcare and Pharma, Psychology and Space. The reasons for this versatility are independence from language and cultural context and ability to convey cognitive information in a short time.

Animated infographic videos are relevant today since in a huge heap of information it is very difficult to extract a necessary structured part. Such changes in visual content make the world of marketing and science more appealing and easier to understand.

6. Shape animation

Quite complicated yet exceptional technology which changes, starches and transforms geometric objects into different forms. Shape animation makes a video more dynamic and eye-catching. The technique’s mechanism is to assign keyframes through which the figures are transformed from one to another.

It is as similar as possible to frame by frame animation. However, unlike drawing the object’s movement, shape animation is based on the algorithm that tightens the motion according to initial and final frames. This technology is a magic tool that can be used in any genre of animation video to brighten your brand.

7. Merge 2D with 3D animation

Both 2D and 3D animation have their own pros and cons and it’s about preferences which one to choose. However, why not take the best features from both of them and make the most memorable animated video?

In the present time this technology is a common practice that does not give up momentum. Mixing 2D and 3D create an exciting video that will definitely drive the audience since it makes the clip more lively and energized.

To recap

Taking into account modern tendencies is the key to make a lot of outstanding videos to grab everyone’s heart. Here we have covered seven wonderful animation trends that describe its power and influence. We also hope this article inspires you to create your own animation trend that will rule our future. Now it’s your turn!

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