First trailer for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope is full of witches and doomed teens

The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan was one of the best horror games of last year and the next installment of the anthology series finally has its first trailer. The new game is called The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, and it’s all about witch trials in early America and the horrors they left behind.

The trailer opens with The Curator, who acts as a narrator in these games, wandering around his study and telling us about the history of a town called Little Hope. As he’s talking, we get a brief flash of the characters that we’re likely to control this time around. The cast includes a variety of teens, including one played by Will Poulter — who horror fans might recognize from last year’s Midsommar.

It seems that like many towns in colonial America, Little Hope was gripped by a feverish concern over witchcraft that led them to accuse more than a few innocent people of consorting with evil. In fact, some of the town’s leaders commit vile acts themselves in the name of stopping the supposed witches.

When we cut back to our band of teens, and a couple of older chaperones, who are unfortunate — or dumb — enough to be exploring Little Hope in modern times, The Curator explains that thanks to the evil and cruel acts committed in the town’s history, something malevolent remains there today. The trailer gives us quick cuts of our teens in peril, leaving us with just a brief tease of what Little Hope has to offer.

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope is the second game in the Dark Pictures series. Developer Supermassive has said that it wants to create several more games in the series which will act like a horror anthology series where players are in control of the outcome at every turn. The series puts players in control of a small band of characters by letting them make choices that range from dialog to whether or not to check out the spooky room alone or not.

Last year’s Man of Medan also featured a mode called Shared Story that allowed players to experience the horrors of its ghost ship in a group with friends. In this mode, which is back for Little Hope, players took control of different characters and had each got to select their own decisions letting things play out from two different perspectives as each player experienced their own version of the shared horror.

Little Hope is set to come out sometime later this summer on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

PlayStation 4 Pro

The PlayStation 4 Pro is 4K-ready, and several of the PS4’s best games are “enhanced” to take advantage of the more powerful console’s improved visuals and frame rates.

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