How To Use Gerudo From The Legend Of Zelda As A D&D Race

There are many dangerous and mysterious creatures who reside in the deserts of a Dungeons & Dragons campaign. The player can take on the role of one of these creatures, by playing as a Gerudo from The Legend of Zelda.

The Gerudo originated in Ocarina of Time as a desert-dwelling race that was almost exclusively female. The Gerudo only produce a male once every century, and he is destined to become their king, though not all embrace that role. In order to procreate, the Gerudo breed with members of other races, and their children take on slight visual traits of their father’s race.

Related: How To Use Vulcans From Star Trek As A D&D Race

Gerudo Stats

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution increases by 2 and your Strength increases by 1.

Size: Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Hardiness – You can ignore the effects of the first level of exhaustion (Disadvantage on Ability Checks). If you reach the second level of exhaustion, then you feel the effects of both the first and second levels (Disadvantage on Ability Checks and speed halved.) Instead of dying when reaching exhaustion level 6, the player can attempt to make death saves to spare their own life as if they were dropped to zero hit points through conventional means.

Gerudo Weapon Training – You have proficiency with glaives, greatswords, and scimitars.

Roleplaying As A Gerudo

Gerudo society is very insular and shut-off from the world, especially when it comes to males. In order to win over a Gerudo, a member of the other race will need to prove themselves, and that goes double for men. There are some bands of roving Gerudo who will go out into the world in search of plunder, as the pirates from Majora’s Mask proved. As such, the Gerudo are a haughty and proud race, which can go in several directions. Good Gerudo might be stoic and hard to win over, but are also extremely loyal and proud, while evil Gerudo might believe in might is right and that they can take whatever they want. There have been many Gerudo heroes and villains who left the confines of their society and ventured into the outside world, so it shouldn’t be hard to think of a reason for Gerudo adventurers to be on a quest. There are Gerudo merchants who head out into the world on regular journeys, so the character can gain experience of the outside world by tagging along with them as a guard or guide.

As Gerudo live in a harsh and unforgiving environment, they tend to become warriors who gain survival skills. This means that Gerudo adventurers commonly become Barbarians or Rangers, though many city-dwelling Gerudo become fierce Fighters or Paladins. The Twinrova sisters prove that Gerudo can become incredibly powerful Sorcerers, with a particular focus on mastering the elements. Ganondorf proved that Gerudo can become a master of both physical and magical arts.

Next: How To Use Moogles From Final Fantasy As A D&D Race

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Scott has been writing for The Gamer since it launched in 2017 and also regularly contributes to Screen Rant. He has previously written gaming articles for websites like Cracked, Dorkly, Topless Robot, and TopTenz. He has been gaming since the days of the ZX Spectrum, when it used to take 40 minutes to load a game from a tape cassette player to a black and white TV set.

Scott thinks Chrono Trigger is the best video game of all time, followed closely by Final Fantasy Tactics and Baldur’s Gate 2. He pretends that sorcerer is his favorite Dungeons & Dragons class in public but he secretly loves bards.

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