Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare update reduces PC file size to 170GB

The new update for Modern Warfare allows you to remove modes you no longer play on PC, recovering around 63GB of storage.

You can’t fault Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare in terms of value for money but having three separate modes that are constantly being updated does have a downside: needing over 220GB of storage space for it all.

As promised though, Infinity Ward has released a new patch (which itself is 20GB on PC) that allows you to uninstall different modes to make more room – a feature that’s already available on consoles.

You can’t uninstall Warzone but you can remove Spec Ops, multiplayer, and the story campaign, depending on whether you want them or not. Assuming most people only want multiplayer that means you can get the install down to below 170GB.

Uninstalling the modes isn’t quite as simple as you might hope, as you have to go through the launcher and select the Modify Install option from the Options menu. Select Modify Install from the Game Content option and you’ll be able to choose from the following:

  • Campaign: 34.5GB
  • Multiplayer: 42.1GB
  • Spec Ops: 37.8GB

Technically you could try and remove all three but that would leave you with only Warzone, which is free-to-play anyway.

Call Of Duty: Warzone 1.28 patch notes

Playlist update

Modern Warfare:

  • Ground War
  • Gunfight Blueprint Customs
  • Face Off – Station
  • Killstreak Confirmed
  • Season Six Mish Pit – Season Six maps Broadcast and Mialstor Tank Factory in mosh pit game modes


  • BR Quads
  • BR Trios
  • BR Duos
  • BR Solos
  • Plunder Trios
  • Armored Royale Quads

General fixes:

  • C4: Slight delay when performing a quick detonation. A beep will now play when quick detonation is triggered. Also reduced throw initial velocity by 30%
  • Fix for a bug where, after reviving a teammate in Survival, there will be a 5 second delay before the user is able to use their weapon again
  • Fix for an issue where players could obtain unlimited Stopping Power rounds
  • Fix for an issue where the defending player had a long respawn timer after the HQ was taken back and all players were dead while in a Headquarters match
  • Fix for an issue where it was possible to put a molotov or grenade into a planted bomb causing it to kill the defusing player


  • Fix for two issues where the player’s watch and/or Heartbeat Sensor would not be entirely visible when using the XRK Chainsaw attachment on the Finn LMG
  • Fix for a bug where explosive and thermite rounds do not function as intended on the Chronic variant from the Blunt Force II bundle
  • Fixed an issue where the muzzle selection screen for the Finn LMG was hard to view in the Gunsmith menu
  • Fixed an issue where the player’s left hand will not properly grip the weapon when the 23.0” Romanian barrel is equipped on the AK
  • Fixed a few bugs where the prone hipfire viewmodel positioning was not appearing as intended and could disappear in certain circumstances
  • Origin 12: Reduced very close damage in Warzone
  • Shotguns: Increased damage of slugs in Warzone
  • XRK ChainSAW – FiNN LMG:
  • Adding a description in Gunsmith nothing the attachment does not allow for weapon mounting
  • Increased brightness on the Tac Laser attachment


  • Fixed a collision issue in the south corner of the Stadium
  • Fix for an issue where a fence with a white tarp over it near the Hospital was allowing players to see through it on one side
  • Fix for an issue where, on occasion, the train would appear as a white placeholder icon on the map
  • Implemented fixes to help properly track Warzone wins
  • Fixed a bug where players were unable to damage enemies with gunfire while on an ascender
  • If a player has their minimap set to not rotate, they will see inaccurate pings on the heartbeat sensor. This has been fixed
  • Fix for a rare issue where the Train’s supply boxes could vanish during longer rounds


  • NVIDIA Reflex is now available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, including Warzone, and will deliver latency improvements in GPU-intensive gaming scenarios on GeForce GTX 900 and higher NVIDIA graphics cards
  • Improved stability and performance

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