New Study Proves Games Can Have Positive Effect On Alzheimer’s Patients

A recent Asmodee and Game in Lab clinical study has found that board games can help those suffering from Alzheimer’s by improving cognitive function and quality of life. Board games provide cognitive and behavioral stimulation that has been shown to have positive effects for Alzheimer’s patients.

The study, titled Cognitive – Adaptation – Behavior, recommends tweaking existing games to enlarge larger fonts or replace game pieces with more ergonomically accessible options in order to enhance patients’ enjoyment and increase cognitive stimulation.

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“Over the past year, board games have enabled us all to play together, in the comfort and tranquillity of our homes, providing some relief, adventure and pleasure. However, we are convinced that playing games harbours greater potential and can play a true educational and even clinical role in our society,” said Stéphane Carville, CEO of Asmodee, a leading global publisher and distributor of board games.

“Via Asmodee Research, we intend to demonstrate the tremendous impact playing games have on our brains and are delighted to support additional projects which can identify, research and prove new and important ways that games can help society,” he added.

The year-long study concluded that adapted board games can improve the overall wellbeing of Alzheimer’s patients when they fit with a player’s interest. The study recommends implementing board games into a patient’s regular schedule for optimal results.

Game in Lab, a pioneering board game research group created by Asmodee Research in collaboration with Innovation Factory, is overseen by a scientific committee. The group, which supports ethical scientific research projects, is currently welcoming new projects to study the benefits board games have on society.

International research institutions can apply for the three to five research grants, which offer up to 15000€ per project, to support short-term research projects, ranging from 12 to 18 months. The grant applications will be accepted under two tracks:

  • Track 1: Any research topic on board games.
  • Track 2: Research topic on board games related to Youth and Education.

At least one of the project’s leaders must be affiliated with a research institution, public or private, at the time of application and during the project. All academic disciplines are accepted, whether applied or fundamental sciences. For more information or to apply for a grant, visit

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  • Game News
  • Board Games
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Mark Lugris is a Contributing Writer at TheGamer. After graduating from the University of Connecticut, he’s worked as a lifestyle and technology writer and editor for the past twenty years in Boston, Madrid and Zurich. Now, he’s chosen the less stressful life of freelance writing at home with his dog, where he can focus on his pop culture passions like film, television, games and sports.

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