Skip Team Challenges In Fall Guys With Gauntlet Showdown Races

Fall Guys Season 2 just released, and it’s already coming at you with more new features, costumes, and limited time events than even Big Yeetus can handle.  It’s even going to be getting Sonic and Gerult skins in the near future. However, there is one thing that stands out on the gameplay side—you can skip those horrible Fall Guys team challenges if you play the gauntlet showdown races.

Team challenges can be far-and-away the most frustrating aspect of Fall Guys. You could be playing your best game, but if you’re unlucky enough to end up on the yellow team you know your fate is probably sealed. Team challenges put you at the mercy of the collective competence of your team—which is already low because you can’t communicate with anyone.

This is where the Gauntlet Showdown limited-time event really shines. The only games in the playlist are all races—no teammates needed. The only possible downside to it, though, is the fact that you’ll always have to play Fall Mountain in the final stage since it’s the only finisher that’s a race.

The full list of possible events is as follows:

  • Dizzy Heights
  • Door Dash
  • Fall Mountain
  • Fruit Chute
  • Gate Crash
  • Hit Parade
  • Knight Fever
  • See Saw
  • Slime Climb
  • Tip Toe
  • The Whirlygig
  • Wall Guys

The Gauntlet Showdown is still a limited-time event, though, so expect it to be gone next weekend. That being said, we expect that this is the first of many limited time events that will be coming to Fall Guys, so even after the Gauntlet Showdown expires there should be something coming that’ll pique your interest.

With Halloween just around the corner, we wouldn’t be surprised to see a small update to skins and some of the aesthetics of the game. With Geralt and Sonic, of all characters, coming to the battle royale game, the possibilities are essentially endless. Maybe Minecraft Steve will even make an appearance. Whatever Mediatonic has in store for us, it’s probably going to be good.

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