Diablo 3: The Best Monk Builds, Ranked

The jack-of-all-trades class in Diablo 3 has been the Monk since day one and it hasn’t tapered off since. Existing somewhere in between the realm of tank, caster, healer, and utility, the Monk is one of those classes you play when you don’t know what you want to play… or when you want to play everything at the […]

Pacific Rim: The Black Is A Kaiju Sized Missed Opportunity

Netflix’s policy about adapting everything into animated series’ has been questioned on many occasions. At times we get something awesome, like the Castlevania animated series, and sometimes it’s a complete miss, like Dragon’s Dogma. But there’s no denying that the demand for good animated series is still on the rise. If you hadn’t already figured, […]

Beastlord Rakarth Is The Next DLC For Total War: Warhammer 2

The next DLC for Total War: Warhammer 2 comes in the form of Beastlord Rakarth of Karond Kar, a new legendary lord for the dark elf faction. The creature hunter will be available from March 18. According to PC Gamer, Rakarth is suited up with armour that gives him defensive buffs when he is in […]

The data privacy Cold War is here. Which side are you on?

Join Transform 2021 for the most important themes in enterprise AI & Data. Learn more. Apple and Facebook have entered an all-out Cold War in the name of consumer data privacy. The battle started when Apple announced it will soon require users to opt in to personal data tracking. Facebook, which makes money from that […]

Godzilla vs. Kong Reveals The Precise Size For Both Kaiju

Adam Wingard`s upcoming blockbuster Godzilla vs. Kong reveals the exact size for both titular kaijus on the new posters. Fans of the iconic monsters now know for sure which creature is taller after all. Godzilla vs. Kong is debuting in cinemas and streaming in only a few weeks. The motion picture will be the next chapter […]

The Women of Dubai-Based Galaxy Racer Esports Speak on Life as Pro Gamers – Extended Cut

While it has recently come to the forefront, women’s esports has existed for years in regions like North America and Europe. However, Dubai-based organization Galaxy Racer Esports has committed to developing opportunities for women in professional gaming across the world. The organization currently fields five different all-women rosters across three games and several continents.  “When […]

God Of War Is The Most Peaceful Game I’ve Ever Played

Most video games are built on violence. That’s true of the more cartoonish variety, like jumping on turtles in Super Mario, and the more visceral, like stomping on a zombie’s face until it shatters in The Last of Us. Video game stories are becoming more complex and mature all the time, but they’re often still […]

The Rugged Queerness Of Tell Me Why’s Lake Scene

Tell Me Why’s first episode (of three) has now been made free to play, following in the tradition of previous DontNod games Life is Strange and Life is Strange 2. Though Tell Me Why isn’t officially an LiS title, it contains the same magic realism, choice-based mechanics, and willingness to tackle real world issues that […]